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Pages for paid and current Club Members only!!
Club Email - info@albertamustangowners.com
Membership Benefits
​​Social Events
These are some of the events our association host each year: cruises, show n’ shines, barbecues, Corn Roast, Christmas party, social nights out (dinner), etc. Many of the events are suitable for the whole family. We also attend other club’s events, as they are invited to ours. These events take place in Edmonton (as close as the nearest mall or dealership) or in other provinces, and even in the USA.
Monthly Meetings
Our meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at Freedom Ford, located at 7505-75 Street at 7:00 pm. This allows us to get together with others who share our passion, interest and appreciation in fine automobiles. (You do not have to attend meetings to be a member).
The Mustang Messenger is emailed or as Download from our website (as of April 2023) to our members monthly. Each issue contains a wealth of information, Such as upcoming events, discount list, parts for sale/wanted and much more.
As many of our members have owned their Mustangs and other Fords for most of their driving years, there is a great pool of knowledge and hands on experience available to you upon request.
Association members are entitled to substantial discounts on parts and services from numerous retailers and wholesalers in the Edmonton area.
Parts For Sale and Wanted
Each meeting takes time for parts wanted and for sale. This section is also in the Mustang Messenger at no charge to anyone.
Joining the AMOA
The cost to join the AMOA is $35.00 per person/year, Associate membership (spouse/child living at the same address) is $5.00/year. The membership year is from April 1 to the following March 31.