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AMOA Christmas Party Donation 2023
We had our AMOA Christmas party at a Private Museum on Saturday December 2, 2023. The Charity for Christmas Party donation of $20.00/person was the Bissell Centre, we raised $568.00, Ron sent in the money in and received the tax receipt for the donation, which he topped up to $600.00.
Craig Weir
AMOA President

AMOA Donation 2023
At the November General Meeting we had a discussion on if we want to make a donation to a charity this year. Marv made a motion that the AMOA donate $1000.00 to the Hope Mission. Seconded by Dwayne P. Motion passed. They were very appreciative of our donation, as they are always in need of monetary help.
On November 28, 2023 I went to the Hope Mission and dropped off the cheque for the AMOA donation to the Hope Mission of $1000.00
They were very appreciative of our donation as they are always in need of monetary help. They have sent us a thank you card for our donation.
Craig Weir
AMOA President

AMOA Freedom Ford All Makes Cars & Coffee
Cheque Donation to Mental Health Foundation 2023
Our AMOA/Freedom Ford All Makes Cars & Coffee and Silent Auction was a huge success at Freedom Ford on July 15th, 2023. We had 40 cars show up for the event. We collected $2,640.00 in proceeds from the silent auction. Thanks to all the sponsors and members that made this happen. Darryl made a motion at the July 17 meeting that the AMOA donate $2360.00, which would bring the donation to the Mental Health Foundation to $5000.00 The motion was seconded by Gilbert, Motion passed. We will be arranging to present a cheque in the amount of $5,000.00 to The Mental Health Foundation, this took place at the Freedom Ford on July 24, 2023.

AMOA Donation 2022
On December 21, 2022 I went to the Hope Mission and dropped off the cheque for the AMOA donation to the Hope Mission of $2000.00
At the November General Meeting we had a discussion on if we want to make a donation to a charity this year. Darryl made a motion that the AMOA donate $2000.00 to the Hope Mission. Seconded by Dwayne P. Motion passed. Since Peter is away, we will write the cheque at December’s meeting and arrange to drop it off after the meeting.
Craig Weir
AMOA President

AMOA Freedom Ford All Makes Cars & Coffee
Cheque Donation to Mental Health Foundation 2022
Our AMOA / Freedom Ford Cars & Coffee on Saturday July 16, 2022 was from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Freedom Ford (7505-75 Street). The event was open all makes of vehicle’s, trucks and motorcycles. We had about 50 vehicle’s attend the event. We held a Silent Auction with proceeds going to the Mental Health Foundation and raised $1720.00 during the day. At our monthly meeting Peter donated $280.00 to bring the total to $2000.00 We had a motion brought forward that the AMOA to donate an additional $2000.00 to the Mental Health Foundation, which would be a total of $4000.00 from the AMOA / Freedom Ford Cars & Coffee All Makes event. We had a discussion and the motion passed. Darryl, Chris and Craig went to the Mental Health Foundation office on July 27, 2022 for a cheque presentation and pictures.

AMOA Charity Donations 2020
As we are getting close to the holiday season, even though it will be a lot different than normal, as the previous 9 months have been due to Covid-19. During our November Annual General Meeting we had a discussion about making a few donations to some local charities. After we had these discussions and vote, the AMOA decided to donate $1500.00 to the Edmonton Food Bank and also $1500.00 to the Hope Mission.
Both of these organizations were extremely gratefully for the donations and said that these donations would help out at this busy time of year, especially with the added issues due to Covid-19.

AMOA Charity Donations 2019
As we entered the holiday season back in December 2019, a time that each of us can make a difference in our communities. It doesn’t take much – more smiles, offering to help others more, choosing to be positive around others, modest donations to the less fortunate, the list goes on.
Speaking of donations, we can all be proud of the fact that all of us AMOA members have made a difference this past holiday season, as the club made donations to the Mustard Seed and the WIN House on December 11th, 2019. These donations will help the less fortunate that use the Mustard Seed facilities and for women and children seeking a safe place and emergency services fleeing from domestic abuse, so hats off to all of us for making a difference.
Darryl and Peter presented our donation cheques to the Mustard Seed and the WIN House. Each cheque was for $1,250.00. Both organizations were extremely grateful and said that these donations will help at this busy time of year.

AMOA Charity Donations, 2018
As per the discussions that took place at the June and July 2018 meetings about the possibility of the AMOA making a sizable monetary donation to a Charity or Charities. At the October meeting we had some more discussion on this topic and then Peter motioned that the AMOA donate $5000.00 to the Hope Mission and $2500.00 to Alberta Diabetes Foundation, this was then seconded by Frank. This motion passed with a vote of Yes-14, No-0.
On November 6, 2018 Craig Weir, Darryl Chekerda and Peter Sitzler had the honor of making the donations to these charities. We first went to the Hope Mission and met with Erin and she explained what the Hope Mission does and how many people use their services. We then did a photo shoot and presented her with the cheque for $5000.00. Afterwards we headed over to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation and met with Brad Fournier and he explained the research that they are doing on diabetes and they are working with various people around the world. We then did a photo shoot and presented him with the cheque for $2500.00. Both of these organizations were very pleased with our donations to them.

IMM39 Donations, 2018
This was the best part of putting on a big event like IMM39, we had the absolute pleasure of handing over donations to some of our charities! Thanks to all of our IMM39 sponsors and all those who attended...all of you made this possible!!

Thank you letter and picture from the Stollery Children's Hospital for our donation from proceeds from the IMM 39, 2018
Cheque Presentation to Alberta Cancer Foundation from the proceeds from the AMOA Sherwood Ford Show, Shine & Track Day 2018

Cheque Presentation to Alberta Cancer Foundation from the Proceeds from the Sherwood Ford All Ford Classic and Track Day 2017
Here is the video of the cheque presentation https://youtu.be/-hZ-e-A9tmg